Bikini Competitor Back Workout
Posted by Lara Cooke @fitgirl_1031 on Aug 9th 2017
My favorite workouts have always been legs and booty (obviously an important part of being a bikini competitor). However after my last prep I realized how much I love working my back! So this off season I’m super excited to put more focus into growing my back! I’ve started adding in 2 back days to my weekly routine, I occasionally throw in some bicep and tricep exercises to superset with my back day. Here is my favorite back day routine, try it out and let me know what you think ;)
Wide Grip Pull Ups
3 sets of 10
Seated Single Arm Cable Row
4 sets of 12
SUPER SET with Reverse Grip Barbell Rows
2 sets of 15
Wide Hammer Grip Lat Pull Downs (I always go heavy on this workout)
4 sets of 8-10
Hammer Strength Low Row
4 sets of 12
SUPER SET with Cable Rear Delt Fly's
4 sets of 12
Single Arm Cable Lat Pull Downs
4 sets of 12 (EACH ARM!)
SUPER SET with High Cable Rear Delt Fly's
4 sets of 12
Chin Ups
3 sets of 10
Hammer Strength High Row (Single Arm)
4 sets of 12 (EACH ARM!)
SUPER SET with Single Arm Dumbbell Row
4 sets of 12 (EACH ARM!)
Vbar Lat Pull Downs
4 sets of 12
SUPER SET with Single Arm Cable Tricep Extensions
4 sets of 12
Straight Arm Pull Downs
4 sets of 15-20
SUPER SET with Barbell Bicep Curls
4 sets of 20
FINISH IT OFF with Rope Face Pulls
3 sets of 10
1 set to failure
I always finish my workout with my favorite protein, Chocolate Peanut Butter Promasil.