Staying Focused - Rival Nutrition
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Staying Focused

Staying Focused

Posted by Doug Stapleton @doug.stapleton on Nov 9th 2017

There are many athletes out there including myself who struggle in the off-season.I myself struggle when I don’t have a goal set.

One thing that I’ve noticed is that I don’t mind eating prepped food year round. Where I struggle is keeping prepped food around the house. I noticed I tend to not go grocery shopping as much, which leads to eating out more. I wouldn’t mind eating out as much if I ordered healthier options, but I don’t. I’m in my prepped mine taking advantage of food when the reality is I can eat what I want when I want it.

The other area besides keeping food prepped regularly is that I’m not eating enough food. Prepping the appropriate amount of food can be costly along with eating those portion sizes can become a timely process. I find myself cutting my food short for a few reasons. One of the reasons is that the amount of food I need to consume costs a lot each week. Another is that I don’t want to be prepping food so often. The last reason is I want my prepped food to last longer.

I find that I also struggle staying focused with my training. I don’t mean with my main body part training, but with all the ancillary stuff. This includes doing cardio, core, and stretching. During my prep I do all of these everyday, but they are the first to get cut out to save tine.

This is the first off-season since competing that I’ve been able to stay more focused. There are a few things that have helped me these past few months. I make it an effort to have some type of protein in my freezer that just has to be made. This doesn’t mean I’m always going to make it, but I have a better chance of prepping food if I don’t always have to go into the store. The second thing is just focusing on eating the appropriate amount of meals each day. Whether they are prepped meals or meals I buy out. The last thing that I do to help stay focused has to do with my training. I dedicate 10-15 min each day to stretching.I feel stretching and warming up is crucial for any athlete for staying injury free.